Since 2009 the central theme of Erik de Bree’s work has been the breaking down of imagery. Working in series allows him with every series to develop a new technique. These techniques, a great variety of material additional and removal processes, facilitate coincidence to interfere leaving a visual trace in the resulting artwork.
The starting point for the series entitled “wallpaper paintings”, was de Bree’s decision to swap oil color for wallpaper and canvas for wooden panels. Having done so, this opened up a new perspective on his practice as painter, trained at Gerrit Rietveld Academy. For the wallpaper paintings he puts the wallpaper layer by layer on the panel. During the creative process, however, single layers are ripped off again. Some artworks are further worked on using spray-paint, aryl or ink. The removal of the overlapping wallpaper layers leads to unpredicted, yet intended results as De Bree likes to think of the entire process as one of “creating a context in which unexpected things can happen”.
1977 | born in Haarlem / NL |
1998 – 1999 | Studies at Willem de Kooning academie, Rotterdam / NL |
2005 – 2008 | Studies at Rietveld academie, Amsterdam / NL |
Currently lives and works in Haarlem, Netherlands.
2018 | wishy washy, chitty chatty, C&H Gallery Amsterdam / NL |
2017 | The paper trail, C&H gallery, Amsterdam / NL |
2016 | Torn & Teared, Kjubh Kunstverein, Köln/ D |
2015 | With perfect nonchalance, C&H Art Space, Amsterdam / NL |
2014 | Erik de Bree op Sao Miguel, Christies Amsterdam / NL |
2013 | Erik de Bree, schilder, Castellvm Aqvae, Bloemendaal / NL |
2012 | solo, ING insurance, Den Haag / NL |
Langolier paintings, Ververs gallery, Amsterdam / NL | |
2011 | Improved photographs, Apice for artists, Amsterdam / NL |
Rather ripped, Galerie 37, Haarlem / NL | |
2009 | Art olive, Amsterdam / NL |
2019 | CODA paper art, Coda museum Apeldoorn / NL |
It’s a small world after all, Sebastian Fath Contemporary, Mannheim / D | |
2018 | SOLO, 25 kunstenaars uit Castellum Aqvea, Vishal Haarlem / N |
2017 | Van Vlissingen art foundation presentatie, Singer museum Laren / NL |
Generatieportretten, Museum Waterland, Purmerend / NL | |
2016 | Walking the line VII, Gallerie Martin Kudlek, Cologne / D |
2015 | Presentatie van Vlissingen Art Foundation, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam / NL |
2014 | Labyrint, Villa Zebra, Rotterdam / NL |
2013 | Anders!, Historisch Museum i.s.m. Tanya Rumpff, Haarlem / NL |
double damaged, Galerie Bart, Amsterdam / NL | |
Bedankt voor die bloemen, Teylers museum, Haarlem / NL | |
2012 | Horizonverticaal presenteert, kunstvlaai Amsterdam / NL |
C.A.R.,Ververs gallery, Essen / D | |
2011 | Anoniem gekozen, Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag / NL |
Zomeropstelling, Galerie Rob de Vries, Haarlem / NL | |
2010 | Not so absolute, Apice for artists, Amsterdam / NL |
Restvorm, Horizonverticaal, Haarlem / NL | |
Bougie art initiatives, P///////AKT, Amsterdam / NL | |
2009 | Quantumvis v, RC de ruimte, IJmuiden / NL |
Quantumvis v, De Servicegarage Amsterdam / NL | |
Memento memori, De Vishal, Haarlem / NL | |
2008 | Koud, De Servicegarage, Amsterdam / NL |
Art olive jong talent 2008, Art olive, Amsterdam/ NL | |
Kopie-documented now!, de brakke grond, Amsterdam / NL | |
2007 | Afwezig, hotel Maria kapel, Hoorn/ NL |
2006 | Pass the drawing, Horsemove project space, Amsterdam / NL |
2015 | Werkbijdrage bewezen talent, Mondriaan Fonds |
2013 | inspiratie-reis,Van Vlissingen Art Foundation |
2010 | Startstipendium, Fonds BKVB |
Caldic collectie, Wassenaar / NL // collectie Fentener van Vlissingen // MAL collection, Loppersum / NL // collectie Pieter en Marieke Sanders //
collectie F. Oomen // ING insurance / NL // Dela verzekeringen / NL // SBK amsterdam, Amsterdam / NL and several private Collections
Erik de Bree op Sao Miguel, uitgeverij Waanders (inspiratie reeks 2014)